Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Question 6. How Can We End Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a dangerous crime that needs to be stopped, so what is our governments doing to stop this and how can we help? Different countries are doing different things to help win the fight against human trafficking. In 2000 the U.S passed the trafficking victims protection act and the UN passed the Palermo Protocols, which is called on member countries to help fight this crime. However, with all these protocols and laws it's still not getting any better. One of the  reasons being because human trafficking victims are so hard to find, making it hard to help someone who you don't know needs help. Law enforcement cant identify and don't recognize human trafficking victims. For instance, if the police raid a brothel, the "prostitutes"(trafficking victims) will be the ones charged while the "customer"(trafficker) is allowed to go free. That alone is so messed up, here we are punishing and shaming these innocent victims, maybe this is also why its so hard for them to come clean because it seems like nobody actually wants to help. Even still this isn't stopping people from wanting t help. The 3 p's approach has become an important one in helping to end human trafficking. Strangely many different organizations follow a different order for their 3 p's. The United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC) goes, prevention, protection, prosecution. While the state U.S Department of State goes, punishment, protection, prevention. It's interesting to know the different steps governments and world organizations are doing to help end human trafficking, but what can I do? What can we average, everyday citizens do to help end human trafficking? Well there's many things actually but the simplest yet probably most important, being part of the movement. Joining movements and helping getting the word out there and building awareness is the simplest greatest things we can do. For example, taking apart in the end it movement. All you have to for this one is draw a red x on your hand, take a selfie and share it on the internet. It's that easy to help make a difference. 

Finally we see some positive news! However no none important issue has ever had movements, government and world organizations coming together to help end the issue. Therefore, adding on to the importunes of the topic of human trafficking and helping us realize just how serious this problem really is. Which again will help us answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our world today?

Some links on what you can do to help end human trafficking and causes very similar. 

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