Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Question 4. What do People get Trafficked For?

Discussions about trafficking usually get divided into two components, sex trafficking and labour trafficking. Sex trafficking is the more "popular" (well known) topic in the media but its statistically proven that people get trafficked for labour trafficking more often. Victims of labour trafficking may work: in mines, sweatshops, construction, agriculture, restaurants, as servants(maid), and in service industries. While sex trafficking victims may be forced into commercial sex acts, prostitution, performing sex shows, pornography, becoming sex slaves, etc. While the small amount of men who are forced into sex trafficking may be forced into homosexuality. These women and girls in sex trafficking bring in tens of thousands of dollars for their traffickers each year. To put into perspective, the average annual salary in Bulgaria  is $2,600, but a prostitute in that area can earn $23,000 for her trafficker. Even though labour trafficking and sex trafficking seem enough there's still a long list of others things people get trafficked for. Children for instance, might be forced to beg on the streets all day and all of their earnings then going to their traffickers. They might also become child soldiers, be forced into child mirage, along with being in labour and sex trafficking. Some people are even trafficked for disturbing things like organ removal.

Now that we know the disturbing and in humane things these people are being trafficked for it helps to show how truly dangerous this is "business" is. Hopefully, this will put in perspective the  seriousness need when discussion human trafficking and the urgency we have to put in to help end it. By knowing this information it will help us understand and answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?

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