Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Question 5. Is Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery?

Modern day slavery is also something in our current world today that kinda goes hand in hand with human trafficking. Most people actually categorize human trafficking as a type of modern day slavery and even refer to trafficking victims as modern day slaves. While some count it as its own form of slavery and disclosed it completely from the slave trade. However, both human trafficking and slavery are devastating crimes that relate to each other in many ways. To start off, both slavery and human trafficking involve the buying and selling of a person. In both situations that person can be of any race, age, and gender. The biggest difference being that trafficking involves a broader form of buyers and sellers, that meaning the whole transportation aspect of trafficking. Furthermore, in both situations the slave and trafficking victim earn little to nothing, or nothing at all as their wage. Along with their work being hard, shameful, and in humane. Plus in both in situations the victims living quarters are usually very small, broken down, and animal like. So is human trafficking modern day slavery? This is a question  that doesn't really have a right or wrong answer. In my opinion I will say, yes! human trafficking is a type of modern day slavery. I say this because they are so extremely similar in so many ways that its almost important to call human trafficking modern day slavery just to show how dangerous it really is.  

Like I stated before, I think human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and we should compere it to that. Slavery is such an important part in our history that people promised would never happen again but here we are in 2019 and slavery is still a going on! When will it end? Its important to ask this question because it gives us something to compare this issue to. Which helps us understand just how serious and dangerous this is. Hopefully knowing this will help us answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today. 

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