Wednesday, March 27, 2019



My name is Umuhawa Senesie, and this is my first global issues inquiry project. My question for this project is..

Why is Human Trafficking Such an Important Issue in Our Current World Today?

Human trafficking is a global crime that affects millions of people in our current world. Men, women and children are all victims, they are deceived, and coerced into joining these "businesses" where they are exploited into dangerous, scarring, and inhumane situations every day. Yet, rarely is this mentioned in our news. I Chose this topic as my inquiry question because people need to be educated on this issue so we as a society can help to end human trafficking once and for all. 

What I already know about this topic is that there's more then 20 million people trafficked in our world today and that's not even an accurate number because trafficking victims or so difficult to find. Therefore, meaning there is possibly millions more victims of human trafficking that simply go unnoticed. Also, that sex trafficking is the most popular form of human trafficking in the news but people are trafficked for forced labor more often. I discovered this information from a book I read that was about human trafficking. So no one taught me this and I didn't see this on the news or social media. Instead I was interested in this topic so I found out for myself. However this is such an important issue that I should be educated about this and seeing in on the news and my social media.

On the three pillars of sustainability this issue targets both social and economic sustainability. Firstly, social sustainability is the capability of a family, organization or country (social system) to operate at an established level of social harmony and well being indefinitely. Issues like widespread injustice, war, low education rates, and endemic poverty are all side effects of a system being socially unsustainable. Human trafficking hits this pillar because it targets human rights violations. These victims won’t be able to go to school, work, and thrive in society. Also, most victims of human trafficking are taken from developing countries, where their three pillars of sustainability are very low or in extreme danger. Secondly, there’s economic sustainability and this is the ability of an economy to support and maintain a specific stage of economic production indefinitely. For example, the quality of life and job loss due to globalization. Human trafficking hits this pillar because the victims usually lack economic sustainability, along with their environment and where they came from. Plus them being taken away from their economy damages that economies sustainability and stops them from gaining a better economic sustainability.

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