- Exodus Cry. "What is human trafficking." Dec. 27, 2013 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdxZAGsRlAs)
- Edmonds. "How human trafficking works." ND (https://people.howstuffworks.com/human-trafficking.htm)
- "What is human trafficking." antislavery.org (https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/human-trafficking/)
- "Slavery today." endslaverynow. (http://www.endslaverynow.org/learn/slavery-today)
- "Human trafficking." (https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-human-trafficking.html)
Friday, March 29, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Question 1. What is Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is such a broad topic with many different definitions and opinions but here’s what I think best describes human trafficking.
The UN convention against transnational organized crime (otherwise know as the Palermo protocol) defines “trafficking in persons” as the; “The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse or power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or received my of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.” While the protocol defines trafficking as, “the exploitation of the prostitution, forced labour or services, slavery, or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.” Some people consider sex work, such as prostitution as human trafficking. For example, activist, author and expert on human trafficking and modern day slavery, Siddharth Kara equates prostitution with sex trafficking. While, author and co-author of the Global Slavery Index, professor of Contemporary Slavery at the University of Nottingham, and co-founder and recently president of Free the Slaves. Kevin Bales considers human trafficking as modern day slavery. To conclude, and give a simpler definition, human trafficking is the illegal, recruiting, harboring(transporting), of a person for the typically for the purpose of forced labour and or sexual exploitation. However, there's many other things people get trafficked for. Human trafficking is the worlds second largest criminal enterprise in the world and the fastest growing buissness of organized crime.
Now that we know what human trafficking is we can start to form our own opinion on it and realize the importance of it. Which well then help us to answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?
The UN convention against transnational organized crime (otherwise know as the Palermo protocol) defines “trafficking in persons” as the; “The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse or power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or received my of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.” While the protocol defines trafficking as, “the exploitation of the prostitution, forced labour or services, slavery, or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.” Some people consider sex work, such as prostitution as human trafficking. For example, activist, author and expert on human trafficking and modern day slavery, Siddharth Kara equates prostitution with sex trafficking. While, author and co-author of the Global Slavery Index, professor of Contemporary Slavery at the University of Nottingham, and co-founder and recently president of Free the Slaves. Kevin Bales considers human trafficking as modern day slavery. To conclude, and give a simpler definition, human trafficking is the illegal, recruiting, harboring(transporting), of a person for the typically for the purpose of forced labour and or sexual exploitation. However, there's many other things people get trafficked for. Human trafficking is the worlds second largest criminal enterprise in the world and the fastest growing buissness of organized crime.
Now that we know what human trafficking is we can start to form our own opinion on it and realize the importance of it. Which well then help us to answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?
Question 2. How Does Human Trafficking Work?
How does this so called “business” actually work/operate?
Firstly, the Traffickers persuade( deceive) their victims with promise of work and or a better life. The victims then pay their “employers” a form of debt in order to pay transportation and and living arrangements. Then when the victims arrive they find that everything is not what it seems. The job they were promised doesn’t exist and the living conditions are horrible. However, sense they already payed these traffickers the traffickers hold that against them and force them pay of their debt or longer. However, the traffickers either pay their "employees" very little or nothing at all, making it impossible to pay of their debt. Also, their documents are often taken away so they don't have a way to go back home or proof of identity. Plus, the traffickers threaten coerce their victims so they won’t/ can’t leave. Such as, threatening the lives of their loved ones. The traffickers often keep their victims under lock and key with seemed guard supervision, the guards can become very violent if anyone tries to escape. Along with these methods of trafficking, some traffickers also kidnap their victims. After the traffickers have their worker they then use tactics like abuse, rape, drug administration, and or food and sleep deprivation to condition and control their victims.
Understanding how human trafficking works can help us gain a better understanding of the topic and the wrongfulness of this illegal business. Knowing this will later us help us to answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?

Firstly, the Traffickers persuade( deceive) their victims with promise of work and or a better life. The victims then pay their “employers” a form of debt in order to pay transportation and and living arrangements. Then when the victims arrive they find that everything is not what it seems. The job they were promised doesn’t exist and the living conditions are horrible. However, sense they already payed these traffickers the traffickers hold that against them and force them pay of their debt or longer. However, the traffickers either pay their "employees" very little or nothing at all, making it impossible to pay of their debt. Also, their documents are often taken away so they don't have a way to go back home or proof of identity. Plus, the traffickers threaten coerce their victims so they won’t/ can’t leave. Such as, threatening the lives of their loved ones. The traffickers often keep their victims under lock and key with seemed guard supervision, the guards can become very violent if anyone tries to escape. Along with these methods of trafficking, some traffickers also kidnap their victims. After the traffickers have their worker they then use tactics like abuse, rape, drug administration, and or food and sleep deprivation to condition and control their victims.
Understanding how human trafficking works can help us gain a better understanding of the topic and the wrongfulness of this illegal business. Knowing this will later us help us to answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?

Question 3. Who does Human Trafficking Affect, How Many, and Why these People?
There's approximately over 20 million people trafficked in the world today. According to the U.S State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. 80% of which being female and half of that being children. While world wide statistics say, 51% of identified victims are women, 28% are children, and 21% men. Also that 72% of people exploited in the sex industry are women. Traffickers pay no attention to age, race, or gender when buying and selling their victims. However human trafficking targets poorer people more often then say the average Canadian. This is because they are an "easier" target because they are always looking for work and will take any job offered to them. Even still the average Canadian can get trafficked. Canadian human trafficking says 93% of trafficking victims in Canada are female. While 83% of police reported perpetrators are male. In other places like the US, Florida is the third leading state in the nation, with a 550 reported cases on human trafficking. So there you have it, trafficking isn't just a foreign issue it happens in all across North America too. This is because traffickers go for any vulnerable people, so people without work, in poverty, homeless, and in desperate need and that can be anybody.
This is important to know for the bigger question because it gives actually answers and specific statistics on how many people are truly being affected by this issue. This helps to see the broader spectrum of human trafficking and the scary truth that nobody is safe. Human trafficking affects all us and anybody can get trafficked.
This is important to know for the bigger question because it gives actually answers and specific statistics on how many people are truly being affected by this issue. This helps to see the broader spectrum of human trafficking and the scary truth that nobody is safe. Human trafficking affects all us and anybody can get trafficked.
Question 4. What do People get Trafficked For?
Discussions about trafficking usually get divided into two components, sex trafficking and labour trafficking. Sex trafficking is the more "popular" (well known) topic in the media but its statistically proven that people get trafficked for labour trafficking more often. Victims of labour trafficking may work: in mines, sweatshops, construction, agriculture, restaurants, as servants(maid), and in service industries. While sex trafficking victims may be forced into commercial sex acts, prostitution, performing sex shows, pornography, becoming sex slaves, etc. While the small amount of men who are forced into sex trafficking may be forced into homosexuality. These women and girls in sex trafficking bring in tens of thousands of dollars for their traffickers each year. To put into perspective, the average annual salary in Bulgaria is $2,600, but a prostitute in that area can earn $23,000 for her trafficker. Even though labour trafficking and sex trafficking seem enough there's still a long list of others things people get trafficked for. Children for instance, might be forced to beg on the streets all day and all of their earnings then going to their traffickers. They might also become child soldiers, be forced into child mirage, along with being in labour and sex trafficking. Some people are even trafficked for disturbing things like organ removal.
Now that we know the disturbing and in humane things these people are being trafficked for it helps to show how truly dangerous this is "business" is. Hopefully, this will put in perspective the seriousness need when discussion human trafficking and the urgency we have to put in to help end it. By knowing this information it will help us understand and answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?
Now that we know the disturbing and in humane things these people are being trafficked for it helps to show how truly dangerous this is "business" is. Hopefully, this will put in perspective the seriousness need when discussion human trafficking and the urgency we have to put in to help end it. By knowing this information it will help us understand and answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today?
Question 5. Is Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery?
Modern day slavery is also something in our current world today that kinda goes hand in hand with human trafficking. Most people actually categorize human trafficking as a type of modern day slavery and even refer to trafficking victims as modern day slaves. While some count it as its own form of slavery and disclosed it completely from the slave trade. However, both human trafficking and slavery are devastating crimes that relate to each other in many ways. To start off, both slavery and human trafficking involve the buying and selling of a person. In both situations that person can be of any race, age, and gender. The biggest difference being that trafficking involves a broader form of buyers and sellers, that meaning the whole transportation aspect of trafficking. Furthermore, in both situations the slave and trafficking victim earn little to nothing, or nothing at all as their wage. Along with their work being hard, shameful, and in humane. Plus in both in situations the victims living quarters are usually very small, broken down, and animal like. So is human trafficking modern day slavery? This is a question that doesn't really have a right or wrong answer. In my opinion I will say, yes! human trafficking is a type of modern day slavery. I say this because they are so extremely similar in so many ways that its almost important to call human trafficking modern day slavery just to show how dangerous it really is.
Like I stated before, I think human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and we should compere it to that. Slavery is such an important part in our history that people promised would never happen again but here we are in 2019 and slavery is still a going on! When will it end? Its important to ask this question because it gives us something to compare this issue to. Which helps us understand just how serious and dangerous this is. Hopefully knowing this will help us answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today.
Like I stated before, I think human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and we should compere it to that. Slavery is such an important part in our history that people promised would never happen again but here we are in 2019 and slavery is still a going on! When will it end? Its important to ask this question because it gives us something to compare this issue to. Which helps us understand just how serious and dangerous this is. Hopefully knowing this will help us answer the main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our current world today.
Question 6. How Can We End Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking is a dangerous crime that needs to be stopped, so what is our governments doing to stop this and how can we help? Different countries are doing different things to help win the fight against human trafficking. In 2000 the U.S passed the trafficking victims protection act and the UN passed the Palermo Protocols, which is called on member countries to help fight this crime. However, with all these protocols and laws it's still not getting any better. One of the reasons being because human trafficking victims are so hard to find, making it hard to help someone who you don't know needs help. Law enforcement cant identify and don't recognize human trafficking victims. For instance, if the police raid a brothel, the "prostitutes"(trafficking victims) will be the ones charged while the "customer"(trafficker) is allowed to go free. That alone is so messed up, here we are punishing and shaming these innocent victims, maybe this is also why its so hard for them to come clean because it seems like nobody actually wants to help. Even still this isn't stopping people from wanting t help. The 3 p's approach has become an important one in helping to end human trafficking. Strangely many different organizations follow a different order for their 3 p's. The United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC) goes, prevention, protection, prosecution. While the state U.S Department of State goes, punishment, protection, prevention. It's interesting to know the different steps governments and world organizations are doing to help end human trafficking, but what can I do? What can we average, everyday citizens do to help end human trafficking? Well there's many things actually but the simplest yet probably most important, being part of the movement. Joining movements and helping getting the word out there and building awareness is the simplest greatest things we can do. For example, taking apart in the end it movement. All you have to for this one is draw a red x on your hand, take a selfie and share it on the internet. It's that easy to help make a difference.
Finally we see some positive news! However no none important issue has ever had movements, government and world organizations coming together to help end the issue. Therefore, adding on to the importunes of the topic of human trafficking and helping us realize just how serious this problem really is. Which again will help us answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our world today?
Some links on what you can do to help end human trafficking and causes very similar.
Finally we see some positive news! However no none important issue has ever had movements, government and world organizations coming together to help end the issue. Therefore, adding on to the importunes of the topic of human trafficking and helping us realize just how serious this problem really is. Which again will help us answer our main question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our world today?
Some links on what you can do to help end human trafficking and causes very similar.
Two ways that the research gathered supported my original base of knowledge is that it proved that there was over 20 million people being trafficked in our world today. It also showed what people were getting trafficked for and how sex trafficking is the most well know from of trafficking. Proving what i already knew as being true and adding on it.
The two new questions I have about human trafficking are, who are the traffickers? and how long has human trafficking been going on? I think that it's as important to know who's doing the trafficking as who's getting trafficked. Maybe knowing who the traffickers are, (the type of people) will help to find where trafficking is happening which will help to end trafficking. I also want to know how long human trafficking has been going on because I'm just finding out about recently over the past few years. Maybe that might be because of my age but even still i think its important to know just how long this has be going on.
To conclude, and answer the question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our world today, I'd like to emphasize just how many people are being affected. 20-30 million people are being trafficked and there could be millions more. That alone is enough of a reason as to why human trafficking is such an important issue. Let alone knowing who's being trafficked, what they are being trafficked for, and how human trafficking work, simply adds on to the severity of this crime. Just the definition of human trafficking alone explains the importance of this world wide issue and why we must bring an end to it.
The two new questions I have about human trafficking are, who are the traffickers? and how long has human trafficking been going on? I think that it's as important to know who's doing the trafficking as who's getting trafficked. Maybe knowing who the traffickers are, (the type of people) will help to find where trafficking is happening which will help to end trafficking. I also want to know how long human trafficking has been going on because I'm just finding out about recently over the past few years. Maybe that might be because of my age but even still i think its important to know just how long this has be going on.
To conclude, and answer the question of, why is human trafficking such an important issue in our world today, I'd like to emphasize just how many people are being affected. 20-30 million people are being trafficked and there could be millions more. That alone is enough of a reason as to why human trafficking is such an important issue. Let alone knowing who's being trafficked, what they are being trafficked for, and how human trafficking work, simply adds on to the severity of this crime. Just the definition of human trafficking alone explains the importance of this world wide issue and why we must bring an end to it.
The Purpose
I hope from asking this question I get a deeper understanding of human trafficking, how it works, and what we as a society can do to help end human trafficking.
- What is Human Trafficking? This is my first question because in order to understand why human trafficking is important you need to know what human trafficking is. This whole blog is based on human trafficking, therefore human trafficking should be explained in the blog.
- How does human trafficking work? Not only do we need to know what human trafficking is but also how it works. How do these traffickers get their trafficking victims and are able to do theses horrible things to these innocent people? Human trafficking is an illegal multi million dollar operation that affects millions of people all across the world. How is it "hidden" from the government and so hard to stop?
- Who, why, and how many people does human trafficking affect? For it to be a world wide issue it needs to affect many people in the world. So who are these people, how many of them are out there and why are they being trafficked?
- What do people get trafficked for? What are traffickers forcing theses people to do and why? Its important to know what the "purpose" of human trafficking is because that might lead to where these victims might be and why its happening.
- Is human trafficking modern day slavery? to understand what, who, how, and why, it would help to know where it originated from. How did it start? who brought up this whole idea of human trafficking? There's only one other thing in history that relates to this issue and that's slavery. So is human trafficking slavery but with a different name?
- How could we end human trafficking? If its a world wide issue, shouldn't it be stopped? There should never be millions of people suffering in our society. We are all equal and we all have the right to our basic human rights, so why are some people not treated like it? We as a society should have the conscious/need to want to help these people and stop things like this from happening. So how can we, (the people who want to help end human trafficking ) do so?
My name is Umuhawa Senesie, and this is my first global issues inquiry project. My question for this project is..
Why is Human Trafficking Such an Important Issue in Our Current World Today?
Human trafficking is a global crime that affects millions of people in our current world. Men, women and children are all victims, they are deceived, and coerced into joining these "businesses" where they are exploited into dangerous, scarring, and inhumane situations every day. Yet, rarely is this mentioned in our news. I Chose this topic as my inquiry question because people need to be educated on this issue so we as a society can help to end human trafficking once and for all.
What I already know about this topic is that there's more then 20 million people trafficked in our world today and that's not even an accurate number because trafficking victims or so difficult to find. Therefore, meaning there is possibly millions more victims of human trafficking that simply go unnoticed. Also, that sex trafficking is the most popular form of human trafficking in the news but people are trafficked for forced labor more often. I discovered this information from a book I read that was about human trafficking. So no one taught me this and I didn't see this on the news or social media. Instead I was interested in this topic so I found out for myself. However this is such an important issue that I should be educated about this and seeing in on the news and my social media.
On the three pillars of sustainability this issue targets both social and economic sustainability. Firstly, social sustainability is the capability of a family, organization or country (social system) to operate at an established level of social harmony and well being indefinitely. Issues like widespread injustice, war, low education rates, and endemic poverty are all side effects of a system being socially unsustainable. Human trafficking hits this pillar because it targets human rights violations. These victims won’t be able to go to school, work, and thrive in society. Also, most victims of human trafficking are taken from developing countries, where their three pillars of sustainability are very low or in extreme danger. Secondly, there’s economic sustainability and this is the ability of an economy to support and maintain a specific stage of economic production indefinitely. For example, the quality of life and job loss due to globalization. Human trafficking hits this pillar because the victims usually lack economic sustainability, along with their environment and where they came from. Plus them being taken away from their economy damages that economies sustainability and stops them from gaining a better economic sustainability.
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